Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It’s my 100th post!

There was once, my blog was left dormant for some time. I had always liked to pen down something that interest me, social issues, things that annoys me or daily ramblings etc etc. The scope of my writing can stretch beyond the horizon. I started writing when I was well into my secondary school. I used to jot down my day-to-day happenings more of a simple diary. After sometime the habit of writing fade away to which I vaguely remember why that was so. Then when I hit my sophomore year back in university, I rekindle my passion for writing once again. It started from Friendster social network blog which saw my firsthand piece of work. Then it moved into real blogosphere upon proposition from my good friend, Chandra (I bet you was an ardent fan of my blog). But it took awhile for me to kick start things as I have already set my step into the real business world where I need to make space and time for my enthusiasm to flourish.

I thought I'd eschew any vestige of melodrama by being as insightful about my point as possible. But knowing me, it was always going to be difficult! It is not so much that I have goofed- just that I've become more of a workaholic, actually being busier than I ever expected. Undoubtedly, this has affected my blogging. I cannot tell you the number of entries I have started only for them to be lost somewhere into the thin air. Somewhere.Needless to say, the passion of blogging remains -- as does my passion of all other things in my life. Sounds like a good thing to have, right? I am glad, though; to have been MIA in the longest time I ever felt, my everlasting love for writing never ceases. I guess life is like that: we're all shades of gray, and a LOT of work-in-progress.Suffice-to-say, I am back-in-action to regular blogging since July 2011. When I was already seeing the withdrawal symptoms, I decided to get up with a bang and avoid my passion from ebbing away forever. I was just gone on hiatus and not forever! Now on January 2012, I am proud that I have already hit the 100th post! It is encouraging for me to write more.

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