Monday, October 24, 2011

My little dog -- a heartbeat at my feet

It has only been a year since I own a pet of my own. Despite the shortcoming of an experienced pet owner, I can certainly vouch with absolute confidence that pets have an uncanny ability to teach humans certain things better than any person can. Pets might not be able to talk, but they can communicate a heck of a lot about human relationships.
Trust me, a heck of a lot things can be learnt by owning a pet. Right from responsibility, to unconditional love: which are just a few of the perks that come with owning a furry member. Our little furry friends can't talk, but their unique way of communication can teach us to be more intuitive, which can in turn help humans in personal development.

I adopted my pet doggie almost a year ago when he was the only survivor from the rest of his siblings and mother whom died mysteriously one by one. It was so tragic for this little cutie to have lost nine of his siblings and mother. Dad found him at the park where we used to go for evening jogs. Daily we used to spend a couple of minutes before & after jog to play with the mother dog that has grown attached to us. At times we bring some food for her since she had babies and need to milk them. It was on late December when the remaining pups and the mother went missing and the next moment, dad told me all of them were found to be dead. The sole survivor was none other than the doggie we adopted to give him a place and family since it was barely 1 month old. Ever since, he was our bundle of joy. Life was even sweeter than ever. After all the months, I learnt so many things that a pet can bring to our life.
Dogs are especially good at teaching us what unconditional love is. Their love knows no boundaries. No matter however you are, all he knows is to show his affection in abundance and brighten up your day after work. When you come home, they are always glad to see you. He appears with excitement and swishes his tail without tiredness. They are always going to be with you no matter how rough life gets (in contrast to many humans unfortunately).This is what I call unconditional love.
Even at times if I accidentally hurt when I stepped on him in the dark, they always forgive you. All they ask for in return is food, shelter and attention. Dogs in particular, give you tons of love back and personally, I think us humans get a darn good teaching out of this. Besides, another value that we ought to learn is responsibility. The arrival of pets in general comes with the package of social obligation. That cute puppy is not like a stuffed toy that can be left alone when you are finished with it. It needs attention in terms of hunger, healthcare, and also attends to his nature calls.
“The more I meet people, the more I love my dog” without a doubt epitomizes the loyalty of a pet dog. A dog’s loyalty knows no boundaries. Their loyalty can put any human on shame. Interestingly enough, we learn precious lessons through our pets daily.I never stumble out of the house and get off into my car to work without saying goodbye to my doggie. A pet on his head will make him stand up on his toes and wag his tail to appreciate your attention to him. A dog wouldn't let you get away with disappearing for nine hours without a word, nor would he like it if you came home without petting him on the head. While it may seem trivial, simply acknowledging your partner and wishing him well goes a long way.
I sure have get angry at him over the munched slippers of mine, but the moment I see the guilt and genuine apologies in his eyes, I inevitably cuddle with him immediately afterward, unable to remain angry. That is the love he taught me. It goes a long way for some humans to learn all the good values that a pet can teach us. Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened.

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