Monday, October 24, 2011

Are Busybodies Born That Way?

One thing that annoys me the most is the attitude of some pest-like people around me. I live on my conviction that I like to live my life my own way and in privacy. And I never fancied poking my nose into other people’s affairs which seem fair enough. It just goes the way I like it, “live and let live”, which is why I just can’t comprehend busybodies. What makes them so? Why do they need to know so much about everything and everyone around them, when it has got nothing to do with the functioning of their life? I really can’t help but feel revolted by their behavior.

Looking back from my experience, I have a few busybodies in my lives; buzzing around persistently, and looking out for channels to get ‘hot news’ and ways to disseminate pointless information like bees in a garden. I shouldn’t be doing injustice for the bees here which seemed unfair to them. By the way, is it of use for others listening to such hearsays? I still hear lingering news about how others ‘interested’ into what I am doing rather than their business. Isn’t it such a pain in the ass? Those morons who fall into this kind of characters should be ashamed of themselves for confirming outstandingly that they have got nothing better to do.  The questions which quizzes me is that, why do they need to be inquisitive about things that don’t concern them?

Are busybodies born that way or does life turn them into obnoxious nosey parkers? I would think that anyone with a fulfilling life has enough to think about without worrying about his neighbours or the rest of the world. Is it a lack of excitement in their lives that has those seeking vicarious thrills in other people’s business? Or could it be a lack of tranquility that has them itching to meddle in the routine affairs of their friends and family?

I can summon up a good example of a woman who lived next door. She seemed to spend all her time at the window peeping to watch the goings-on in the neighborhood daily. I presume she has enough of chores to keep her busy with a huge house and family to attend to. But she never does what she is supposed to do.
To spice up things, I came across another concealed busybody that seeks in the pleasure of knowing each intimate whereabouts about my life as in what I am doing, whom I am going out with and when am I getting hitched and etc etc etc through a third person. He claims to be educated professional and yet he is making a fool of himself to explore into my life. Doesn’t he have some decency or has he been ever taught about basic of ethics? Then, how would you call him educated here? I believe he has not come to terms about principles in life and how to live by it. Presumably those kinda creeks need to be taught some fundamental decorum before he sets out into the real world. He is not the only one, but there are more in that genre lurking around me, it can be a she or a he, they are just everywhere like the annoying creepily crawly…Haaha!

It wasn’t a very comfortable way to live in if you ask me. I don’t give a damn about theirs, then why should you bother about mine? All I can think of is probably, lack of an occupation, or even an absorbing hobby, turns many people into busybodies. If you have nothing to hold your attention your mind will start wandering in directions it has no business heading for. Books and music may work for some, pacifying the need for something to fill the gap in their lives, but not everyone is so lucky. Some turn to cyberspace, and end up making a profession of meddling in the lives of people halfway across the world from them, people they’ve never even seen leave alone met.
Busybodies these days get easily carried away by social media like FB, Twitter, and Google+ which more than often pose the threat of platform for conspiracy and gossip, with stories getting spun and blown up faster than you can create them. It amazes me the way people attribute motives to the actions or words of people who may or may not be what they profess to be on cyberspace. How completely pointless!
I know this is turning into a rant but I seem to have encountered more than my share of busybodies in the recent past. It begins to rankle, especially if you haven’t discovered a foolproof way to deal with them without being hopelessly rude. I’m looking for inventive ways to deal with the busybodies in my life.

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