Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Twist of Fate

Two days ago, upon returning from Ipoh, I was down with mild fever and flu. Being a person whom hates the thought of gulping down odd tasting medicines down my throat along with multicolored shaped pills, I will try to avoid the possibility of visiting a doctor. At the first sign of feeling sick at my throat, I just had to go and get some medicines before it gets worse.

Dad had to drag me to the Reddy clinic (the one I frequently visit when I was younger as back then I was too vulnerable to flu bug...), which is not too far away. I have the privilege my company panel hospital which is SDMC (too far away) or any KPJ medical centers. But the hassle of waiting to get a GL letter and by the time I knock on the door of the consultation room, I would have developed the second stage of influenza which is why I rather go to any nearest clinic and later on claim on my medical bills. “What a Monday to start with”! That was how exactly I felt when I got up in the morning. Yet I had the pleasure of getting up late on a wet Monday morning.

The moment, I step into the clinic, I was relieved as the crowd was bearable. There were only 3-4 patients which will not take ages before my turn. I hate the sight of large crowd in the clinic since it makes me feel worse with the sickly tang that surrounds the enclosed area. It was just right before my turn, when the counter girl reiterated my name before it hits my attention. I was annoyed when she told me that the doctor will only see me in about half an hour’s time. I didn’t make much fuss since I was still feeling fine to wait a lil longer. Not long before into 15 minutes, my name was called by the nurse from the consultation room. As I walked in, to my surprise (I don’t know to call it a sweet or shocking surprise), the doctor is none other than an old friend of mine from university. We used to hang around the varsity cafĂ© and hostel area and had lots of fun together. Never in my dreams, I would have expected to be diagnosed by him since I know he was a joker and vowed never let my health condition to be put into jeopardy…Ha, ha, ha. I don’t mean to be cruel, yet that was how I used to tell him.

5 minutes walking into the consultation room, we were exchanging greetings and asking whereabouts etc etc. We both laughed and he quizzed me, “You never thought you’d see me here right”? I was frank enough to admit. He checked my fever and had a quick look at my sore throat and assured in a nice manner that it will get worse if it’s not taken care. How encouraging can that be? (* sarcastically*). He, he, he. He scribbled some medications and we continued chatting about other friends. Can you believe that he can just flip his phone out and show me his Gf picture? That is him, Siva!! I can’t bring myself to call him Dr Siva yet I would give him the privilege of mentioning his hard work through his Dr Designation. As usual he made attempt to not give me an MC, (which he always loves to fool around) but I got mine easily. We promise to keep in touch by exchanging our numbers.

The joke of the day was, I vowed never to be diagnosed by any of my ex-uni mates whom are now doctors in hospitals. Yet, a twist of fate played with my decision. I and mom sat and laughed about it since she knows him well. Something I never thought off but it happened so quickly. It has been 4 years since we graduated and sweet surprises when you bump into ol’ friends, makes us walk down memory lane. And trust me; I did recall my fun days during the entire period. I would describe it in one word “ Madness”!

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