After telling everyone that you are engaged, you have to get to work planning that special day. Regardless of how big the wedding will be, you will still have the arduous task of making your invite list. And no matter how many people you plan on having, I guarantee you will have to make the tough decision of figuring out whom to leave off. Settling down to create a guest list for your wedding can cause a great deal of headaches, especially when trying to narrow down a final headcount in order to stay within your budget. It’s never easy, but making sure you do the proper thing is important as it will cut down on bruised feelings.
This is how I would describe my dilemma at the moment. The wedding invitations cards have been delivered to us to be disseminated to our guests within the next 36 days. My fiancé has a bigger family circle and hence, chances are his in for more of a challenge just to send the invite. Me and my family has weigh down which family members and friends should be invited by short listing the guests into a list by taking into consideration if they are important to you. A wedding is not about inviting people out of obligation. It’s about inviting the people who really matter to you.
Time and again, I have emphasized to my parents that I only want who would really appreciate being there and be happy for me. My wedding is not a time to pay people back or make others happy despite my own conscience. Bottom line is, if someone isn’t nice to me or my family, I wouldn’t invite them. Wait, wait! This is my wedding remember? I know by making myself clear in my decision to select my guests, I can hear my parents and other family circle feeling unhappy, “But that’s not realistic,” “People will be offended. I will be scorned.” The next thing I tell them, I want to invite the guests who will bless me and my fiancé and celebrate the happiness by making the day as special as possible. I know people who want to turn up to the wedding to ruin the fun or just to be busybody. So why bother inviting such people when I am paying up for a big chunk of the wedding costs? It is all up to me.
The guests list for the customary wedding is not so much of a headache for me. It is the wedding reception we are hosting at an exclusive clubhouse in uptown KL that is putting us in a sticky situation. The clubhouse concept reception is for small, intimate and exclusive for only very closed relatives, friends and selected colleagues. I can feel a big headache coming on when I sat down to short list the invited guests. One of my colleagues told me, extend the invitations to people whom you work directly with; the ones I saw everyday or I share the same cube/office space and had my lunch or even leisure chats in between office-hours.
Some of my friends, I have not spoken to them in years, or even texted. So the answer to my query is right in front of me. If I wouldn’t consider sending them a text-let alone an email, then I don’t owe them an explanation, let alone an invitation to my special day. There is a chance that some people might feel left out. However, the chances of that happening are a lot less likely if you are honest with them or if they understand that they weren’t close to us in these years. In fact I have subtly let people know that I am having a big customary wedding but an intimate small reception with only selected (by RSVP) guests. Given the current state of economy, chances are some of acquaintances, family members and several friends might actually feel relieved that they don’t need to come up with hundreds of dollars in travel expenses and wedding angpow.
A wedding is not an excuse to round up every lost friend you has known since you were 10 -- focus on people who matter now. To me it is a celebration of joy and blessings from the loved ones.
Pretty Woman embraces the fond memories of past while living in the moment and looking towards the future with passion, poise, and dreams.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Genes are not everything
It never ceases to amaze me how many people out there are in bad situations because they put themselves in those situations. Yet they are the people, who most often blame everyone else for their situation instead of knowing where it belongs, which is on them. Both, life and business are all about the decisions that a person makes. If you make good decisions, you have a good life. Otherwise, you bear the consequences of your act. It's really very simple which many don’t comprehend. As a person whom networks with someone easily, I hear some of the most ridiculous excuses that you can never imagine. Some people can give excuses like they were not in their lucid mind for mistreating their guests. Or even throw in the blame on their ailing health condition to dodge away their mistakes. And very rarely do I hear reasons to do something positive or of substance to forgive their blunder. Many people would trade in their self-esteem to make good with their relatives or friends in order to restore their relationship. How long are you going to give in all the time while your dignity will be taken granted if this goes on? People say forgive and forget is a noble thought to practice. I might consider forgiving if it is something worth but I will not forget. For instance, the sinners got away with their sins and remain sinful because of the decisions they make and have made in the past. It's all about decisions and habits. One thing they failed to realize that one fine day, they will pay the price for what they did when Karma slaps back.
There is really a simple reason why 99% of the people fail at networking in general. Most of the time it is about bad decision or dysfunctional attitude. Simple understanding is that they have nothing to do besides making bad choices on how to treat people around them. This is what I call folly. Folly is made up from a blend of bad decision making and bad courtesy which ends in BAD RECIPE for an esteemed life and reputation. When I talk about courtesy, I mean attitude problem. Along the way, I met people assumes they are perfect and they believe they live with conscience. But it was the other way round. No matter how much you try to knock some dose of sense into their minds by noting exemplary persona for living a legendary doctrine, they still don’t get it. It never works. I would say it is in their genetic blueprint interacting with the environment factor (habit, and society to some extent) that determines their characteristics.
Although in this age, it seems that genes are everything and the talk of the town but the importance of environment in biology cannot be denied. Apparently it sounds paradox because traits is usually regarded as being genetically but not environmentally inclined. Thus, it appears to be certain culture in which the environment affects behavior of a person too. Does this mean that genes aren't, in fact, everything? Yes to a certain extent, some individual’s traits clearly show that gene-environment interaction is indeed an important regulator of what makes them up.
As I was skimming through the e-reading sites, I caught a glimpse of the concept of Pavlovian classical conditioning coined by a Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov. It walks me down the memory lane back to university where I took up Psychology as one of my university paper. Behaviorism is one of their schools of thought whereby it’s based on the assumption that the environment shapes behavior (interactions with environment shape us into what we are now over the years). I just sat and tried to associate it to human’s nature; our characters are reflective of the environment where we were nurtured over the years. It shapes our disposition by associating learning process between environment and naturally occurring stimulus (blueprint). It makes perfect sense to me.
Only certain quarter of people that we meet daily knows how to network and treat everyone equally with respect. Most people are stuck in the conviction that they are superior and that they go around insulting people but they can get away with it. Do you think the world owes them a favor by tolerating their nonsense? Well guess what. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the world owes you nothing, and the only people I can treat well are the ones that respect everyone. It's totally up to you to help yourself. And here's one way to do it: Keep your mouth shut if you can’t convey good thoughts with respect. I think these type of people need to go back to basic moral lessons and ethics to earn a respect.
Or else, it is just that they are digging their own grave? Possibly yes.
There is really a simple reason why 99% of the people fail at networking in general. Most of the time it is about bad decision or dysfunctional attitude. Simple understanding is that they have nothing to do besides making bad choices on how to treat people around them. This is what I call folly. Folly is made up from a blend of bad decision making and bad courtesy which ends in BAD RECIPE for an esteemed life and reputation. When I talk about courtesy, I mean attitude problem. Along the way, I met people assumes they are perfect and they believe they live with conscience. But it was the other way round. No matter how much you try to knock some dose of sense into their minds by noting exemplary persona for living a legendary doctrine, they still don’t get it. It never works. I would say it is in their genetic blueprint interacting with the environment factor (habit, and society to some extent) that determines their characteristics.
Although in this age, it seems that genes are everything and the talk of the town but the importance of environment in biology cannot be denied. Apparently it sounds paradox because traits is usually regarded as being genetically but not environmentally inclined. Thus, it appears to be certain culture in which the environment affects behavior of a person too. Does this mean that genes aren't, in fact, everything? Yes to a certain extent, some individual’s traits clearly show that gene-environment interaction is indeed an important regulator of what makes them up.
As I was skimming through the e-reading sites, I caught a glimpse of the concept of Pavlovian classical conditioning coined by a Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov. It walks me down the memory lane back to university where I took up Psychology as one of my university paper. Behaviorism is one of their schools of thought whereby it’s based on the assumption that the environment shapes behavior (interactions with environment shape us into what we are now over the years). I just sat and tried to associate it to human’s nature; our characters are reflective of the environment where we were nurtured over the years. It shapes our disposition by associating learning process between environment and naturally occurring stimulus (blueprint). It makes perfect sense to me.
Only certain quarter of people that we meet daily knows how to network and treat everyone equally with respect. Most people are stuck in the conviction that they are superior and that they go around insulting people but they can get away with it. Do you think the world owes them a favor by tolerating their nonsense? Well guess what. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the world owes you nothing, and the only people I can treat well are the ones that respect everyone. It's totally up to you to help yourself. And here's one way to do it: Keep your mouth shut if you can’t convey good thoughts with respect. I think these type of people need to go back to basic moral lessons and ethics to earn a respect.
Or else, it is just that they are digging their own grave? Possibly yes.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Battle of the brains

December is a demanding month for me! Early of December made me shudder in fear (not due to cold weather but rather the anxiety in gearing up for 6th SAC of Quantum Leap and R & D Symposium). It’s been a busy month around here as I’m sure it’s been the same for all of you. That explains my absence from blog entry for more than a week. The days gone by was somewhat mixed experience for me altogether. I call it the ‘Battle of the brains’. Simply because I was mentally drained out working for my project progress meeting. As I remember writing about eleventh hour working-style in my office, this time it proves again they out beat other corporations when it comes to last minute work. It is a privilege to give them the reign (Sarcasm!).
First of all, what kept me busy in the last week was the rush in the office gearing up for our scientific symposium; ‘Unraveling the Oil Palm’ and also our bi-annual SAC Progress Meeting, 6th. Preparing lot of upshot in the office while getting lesser lunch break in between at the office turned out to be grueling for me as I would turn on laptops speakers with a lowest possible, yet listenable, voice just to get me going all day long churning out the data. In a quest for breaking the monotony of my tasks, I came across a really cool collection of songs on the net. The catchy musical collection is among the top played items now in my office laptop. Now, what does it suppose to mean by ‘Battle of the brains’, you all must be thinking. Scientific conferences provide a common platform for all the scientific community to share new ideas and exchange views. This one-day event brought together top players of Oil Palm industry in the likes of FELDA, MPOB and some researchers from public universities. This symposium is especially useful for networking with our peers in the oil palm industry besides looking out for promising collaborations towards enhanced sustainability, and brings about changes to the oil palm industry. It was a good opportunity for young researchers like us to get insight on other facets of research work being carried out by our competitors as well as contribute our ideas for oil palm research. In research there is always room for improvement and strategic planning with other researchers for benefit of community. It was an enriching experience for us to mingle with fellow researchers at IOI Resort during after-hours.
So while the current time-bound tasks at hand were successfully accomplished, I can reasonably expect more busy times in the days to come, and as far as I know I have my happiness project in hand. That’s not easy. I don’t have much time left for my actual wedding preparation which is barely 40 days. Just a month away to roll! My god! 37 days?!#@%

Christmas is around the corner. I put up my two miniature Christmas tree with poinsettia flowers. I have yet to bring out my other tree which I had been putting up all by myself each year with different decorations. I have not gone in quest for checking out the Christmas décor in various famous malls in town which normally I and my sis used to do. However, I caught a glimpse of it last week in Midvalley Megamall and Times Square last week. Can’t wait for my weekends with plenty of wedding works and Christmas celebration!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Seems politics is everywhere….

Politics has no principle as it revolves around how and when to destroy power, shatter the aspirations, assassinate moral obligation and egocentrism. You can only be politicians if you’re good in bullshitting or else you only fit to be a plain constituent. One of my business consultants quoted in one of the meetings that, “You need to be in the field for years to be able to pick up the art of manipulations and play politics or else you will be consumed by it”. All of us sitting in the board room were taken aback by that statement. But that is what happening actually. I don’t want to be part of the grubby group of people. Hopefully I don’t.
Politics means you’re getting into the battle arena where only the fittest survives outlast and out beat. If you are strong enough, you can carry on. If you are a weakling, then you can just get out of it or else be persuaded to fit into the other side of fence.
Everyone has been into politics a lot and somehow loves to be in politics while some needs an escape. As for me, politics is not my cup of tea!
Everyone has been into politics a lot and somehow loves to be in politics while some needs an escape. As for me, politics is not my cup of tea!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Family circle is something we are blessed with. It is not something like you can walk into a store and pick your own family members as you wish. I am fortunate simply because I am endowed with a lovely family (just my immediate family; parents, sis, AND also few others from extended family circle). The beauty of a dynamic family revolves around unconditional love, inspire to be, mutual understanding and support to hold us back when things can go wrong. At some point in time, family is there to make us believe in ourselves no matter what, to come out alive and kicking when the reality hits.

When your life takes a twist for worse, the closest person that you look up to will be none other than your family circle to step in to lift you up from the abyss to a better place. Obviously, the closer we are, the expectation takes off to a higher level. How can we hope for all the encouragements and concern from strangers? A big NO! Even the distant family members can gasp in horror what more a stranger. It makes sense altogether. After all, family is not some random connection of blood.

Over the time, mistakes happen. To err is human. Each one of us is unique in their own faith, attitude and perceptions. Family spats happen frequently due to differences in opinion, backbiting (a subtle topic which I will cover in my forthcoming posts), jealousy, disrespect and failure to convey our thoughts in a way not to hurt the other person. Most of us tend to forget the value of the relationship we share and how to treat each person with reverence. The bottom line is each of us has a worth and deserved to be appreciated. Not just treat them like your 5-year old nephew or niece. All hell will break loose when we find ourselves on the same social echelon but get disappointed by their lack of integrity in their reactions and what so not! It just drowns all our expectation. Apparently, family spats are rare in immediate family but commonly takes place in extended family or distant relatives. It’s purely egocentricity I would say. “Who’s the best here” kind of attitude are the root cause of this disputes.

Over the time, mistakes happen. To err is human. Each one of us is unique in their own faith, attitude and perceptions. Family spats happen frequently due to differences in opinion, backbiting (a subtle topic which I will cover in my forthcoming posts), jealousy, disrespect and failure to convey our thoughts in a way not to hurt the other person. Most of us tend to forget the value of the relationship we share and how to treat each person with reverence. The bottom line is each of us has a worth and deserved to be appreciated. Not just treat them like your 5-year old nephew or niece. All hell will break loose when we find ourselves on the same social echelon but get disappointed by their lack of integrity in their reactions and what so not! It just drowns all our expectation. Apparently, family spats are rare in immediate family but commonly takes place in extended family or distant relatives. It’s purely egocentricity I would say. “Who’s the best here” kind of attitude are the root cause of this disputes.
In reality, 90% of family spats often contributed by immaturity factor. Strangely enough, the immaturity factor is a potential reason most of the time; in adults! What? Is that for real? Yes indeed it is (how I wish it was not, knowing the wisdom comes at the onset of grey hair appearance! Literally speaking or it’s my sarcasm making its presence). If younger people fall short to articulate the essence of their principles instilled by their elders, we can happily blame it on them. What if the elders fall through on this code of conduct? Who is culpable then? Either it’s their obstinacy to practice what they preach (Double-standard doctrine? Maybe they can go on preaching about the righteousness but not capable to walk the talk in their clear mind).
I have fair share of experiences with people of all sorts of characters. They can be blatantly annoying and more often sit on the brim of your patience threshold. I believe, these opinionated (often bitchy) people (women and men equally) got no life and often loves to backbite, get upset with each other easily for petty stuffs, gossip, and behave in a dramatic manner (they can even out beat the celebrities of soap opera or sitcom that we watch on TV on leisure time). They find other people’s business more exciting than their own! I’m perplexed with their interest. Funny though! The motive behind this entire baseless act is definitely everyone is on competitive edge. Believe me; I have seen it taking place in business perspective as well. As a researcher in one of the oil palm business conglomerate, the competitive edge between other top players of oil palm industry pushes us into what you call business resentment at times. It happens anywhere. Occasionally it should drive us forward in optimistic manner to improve ourselves but not to antagonize or belittle their capabilities. Same concept should be practiced at family echelon. At least this is what it should be like.
Little by little, I began to grasp the general idea of this sort of behavior. They are jobless and needs to occupy their time to the best of their ability. And this is what they can do BEST with. Which answers to the puzzle that we are trying to figure out eventually? I call them troublemakers. They freaking love to cause a pandemonium and get entertained by it. In the end all that comes out of their mouth will be, “I meant no harm, what did I do”? So when the other party gets really offended, they spew few hurtful things on their minds at them – that is when the troublemakers completely play innocent to get away with it. Fortunately, I remember that I do love my family very much and no matter what, if anyone says a word about them, they are not going to get away with it so easily. I wouldn’t trade them and my love for anything. I never really gave a damn for the rest.
Sometimes the way some circumstance unfold, familial frictions do happen. It just needs us to either step back and give it time, or step up and apologize – whether they’re in the wrong or not. But then again, it’s totally up to the individual whether to forgive and forget by looking at the degree of being hurt. After all, you didn’t choose them, but you’re all stuck with each other regardless. May as well make the best of it and be there for each other. It’s only a matter of time before the tables will turn and they’ll need your support. Hopefully you remember how it felt when they disappointed you and all of the trouble it took to make things right again. Then you can just swallow down that snarky comment, man (woman) up, and be supportive in every way possible.
Many a times I was poignant to see ruined family; in the case of divorced parents, abusive family or adopted ones. I should be appreciative to be blessed with a lovely family of my own. What’s more inspiring is I am going to be part of also likewise lovely family of my fiancé. The love and faith they have upon me is very welcoming. It’s my destiny to be gifted with a gift of life through the eyes and touch of a lovely family around me. Blissfully and fortunately right. At this point, I really don’t care about vain people whom fall short to cherish the beauty of sharing the love of family circle. I can only feel sorry for them for not being able to feel the joy of a family.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Listen to the rhythm of the rain

And rain has the knack to make us feel sluggish with its conducive atmosphere. The climatic change for the past month brought in more humidity and splashed a sense of vivacity. I prefer rain than extended dry spell which can be torturous. My imagination runs wild when rain hits the rooftop of my house. It is something about rain that is magical which entwines the feeling into various clandestine desires. One of it (not so crazy) is to get wet in rain in the arms of my fiancé. So what’s the big deal about it, one may quiz me? It is to me! I used to splash around in the rain when I was younger much to my mom’s horror.These days I can’t afford to do so, since I have sensitive nose and immune system which is relatively prone to catch flu bug easily (Will give it a try someday though...he, he, he. Perhaps with my fiancé. *winks*).

But by far most, I love to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep when it rains on weekends. It’s just so heavenly feeling one can just take the pleasure in. It is without a doubt, a tiny pleasure yet I appreciate it the most. I have a lovely family, a cozy sanctuary and a beautiful life to be grateful amid little things in life. And this is one of it. This is how I got my nick, “Sleeping beauty”! Hahahaha…LOL. By the way, this was my weekends wrap up. I had to put onto hibernation mode to recover my fatigue after a hectic last weekend. A lame excuse which was unacceptable by my parents...Somehow, I got away with it.
Listening to rain falling can calm one’s tired soul.
Here’s to the beauty of something so simple yet magnificent!
Here’s to the beauty of something so simple yet magnificent!
A ray of hope

Here I was, almost in confused state of mind for the upcoming scientific advisory committee meeting. For all of the troubles and shortcomings my team experienced for the past 6 months made us stronger. Although we are firing up our asses in short time to come up with some substantial outcome for the embarked genome project, the outcome of it is fulfilling. Being a research scientist in private profitable organization, the research we are working on is not all about benefits to the scientific communities, and bringing about an optimistic change for the world but also for the value and profit making for the company as well. We had been brainstorming with our consultants trying to figure out the alternative plan A, B, C, etc etc etc versions of what my work might be and ready to kick myself if I didn’t make it happen. How could I have been so critical?
When it comes to work, my fiancé talks about his worries about our future, I’m so quick to remind him that God has a plan or inspire him about timing and patience of what God has ahead of us. He will relent to me and keep his spirits high by working his way up the career ladder. Truthfully, his knowledge and dedication did well for him. All by God’s grace. It took all my guts and faith in his potential which keeps him going.
As I thought about after rain effect, the colors that paint the sky is so beautiful, and that’s the first ray peeking through giving a new hope of life. I would want to be the woman behind his success and him behind my success as well. I can’t wait for you to come back Hun and establishing the framework for our big day! Lots of excitement coming up soon.
Amidst the uncertain events that happen around the world, one can be forgiven to think of the future as doom and gloom. But there is still a ray of hope for each one of us and that will see us through difficult times, no matter how bad they may turn out to be.
That ray of hope is your personal attitude of life. It will guide you through thicks and thins of life. It’s a must have in order to have a successful and prosperous life. To me it’s the key that opens your mind and heart to better job performance, and an enriching career.
A positive attitude is important to your social status, your health, your work, the way you challenge obstacles, and the kind of people you attract to your life. A positive attitude will bring more positive opportunities into your life. In a world that revolves around who you know, a winning attitude can make you a star in your social network and net you the opportunity of a lifetime. It attracts successful people who share the same goals.
So what can a positive attitude get you? Positive opportunities which come from your social network, superior health, great success when challenged, and it can make you fun to be around so that more people want to be with you.
Whatever happens, be proactive and take charge of your belief and attitude. Only YOU have the power to make those changes within yourself.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
I'm engaged!

I could not be happier than anything to announce to all who care to know that I am getting married! (to some extend people whom are jealous of me also waiting to know; just that they got nothing to do besides poking their nose into our ass! Haha). I am very excited to have FINALLY found the man I want to share my entire life with for as long as I live. This is a very happy time in my life and I am doing my best to take it all in, and appreciate all that it is and all that he is to me.
We got “engaged” on Sunday night. The ambiance of the betrothal ceremony was close to perfection. It was around 8 am when I got up that morning in anxious state for a precious moment of my life. I was welcomed by my family members to a special treatment since I was the princess of the day. My cousins were already here to decorate the house with fairy lightings, balloons and other decorative flower. It’s like in a snap of a finger; everything was right in front of me. The flow of the event was in place just close to perfection. Everyone was singing praise over the gorgeous decoration in the temple, food was delicious despite the fact it was vegetarian and also the memorable ceremony unfold beautifully without any hiatus by God’s grace. The elders say if you have a good heart and thoughts, everything will be a blessing to us.
Confetti in the air. Love shined in our eyes. Symbol of betrothal adorned our vena amoris. Happiness blossomed in everyone’s heart. Blessings of God and genuine souls attended this ceremony. Abundance of joy. What more could I ask for? A day I would cherish till eternity.
Becoming engaged has made me suddenly aware that I feel I am seeking a new phase of life and new relationship blossomed. It means my social obligation takes me off to a different ground! I am usually uncomfortable when people that I am not extremely close with suddenly lifts the expectation to sync in future life. We are going to be sharing the atmosphere with them in social functions and also be part of them to uphold my new family name together. But this time around I myself was taken by surprise when I was feeling comfortable by my fiancé’s family members who all turn up at our engagement ceremony to bless us wholeheartedly and share the beginning of our blissful journey into marital life. All their love could be seen through their eyes and the blessings by sincere wishes welcoming me into the family. I am looking forward for a wonderful family bonding with these lovely souls in near future.
I have never been as happy and fulfilled in a relationship with a man as I am in this one. I am being treated so well, and been made to feel as loved and desired as I do, and had as much affection, acceptance, and appreciation as I receive from him. I am left wishing for nothing. In addition to that, I have always been rather surprised that a woman could literally be taken by total surprise by abundance of love & not see it coming at all in times of despair (It was in one of the family conflict, I saw him standing up for me just because some ‘smart alec’ mistreated me virtually). It leaves me wondering how much love he actually has for me and how is he going to take good care of me by making such a huge sacrifice for me. Part of what has made me feel so secure and fulfilled in my relationship is the total transparency.
Thank you Lord for giving me the man of my life!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Strike a Pose & Smile Away

People often say ‘A picture is worth a thousand words.’ It’s very much a cliché but it expresses the nature of capturing precious moments in a single click. Pictures are valuable to be cherished of everyone’s life in each moment which can never be erased. For some reason, I never like pictures of myself when it looks fake. I don’t think I’m hideous or anything– I just can’t take a good photograph without at least one of it showing me with forced smile or with forty winks. It’s so puzzling– the face in the photograph does not seem to match the face in the mirror at all. Why does my face look so wide? Is that what my smile really looks like? And are those crow’s feet already? Maybe I’m too hard on myself, but I feel as though most photos of me are not flaunting my real beauty and can be unflattering at times. My mom says it’s just ME that is so finicky to not being able to see that I am actually photogenic! Dad and mom are always proud of their lil girl no matter how she looks.
So naturally, that does not promise well for our series of wedding fête pictures. We have an amazing photographer, Ravi John Smith (my best friend’s uncle) for engagement and actual wedding, and Vrinda for wedding reception whose photographs I just adore for their lucidity and beautiful angle shots. Both photographers could make anyone look beautiful. But I still worry that somehow, my not so photogenic face will ruin all our portraits. I decided to track down some tips on improving one’s appearance in photographs (time to channel my inner Top Model instincts and practice how to strike a pose for the D-day!How can I deny that any truly talented photographer knows the difference. I and Raj don’t want posed photos at our big day which we more likely meant we don’t want the traditional standing in a line with their wedding party staring at the camera photos. Of course not! So what do we want instead? We want the photographer to be brimming over the top with unique and totally dynamic ideas for wedding photos. And that’s exactly what marketable photographers do these days. And it was in those poses that the couple, their wedding party, and their wedding guests showed their true emotions. Emotions that didn’t require any direction at all. Have you ever seen a wedding that looks like so much fun you actually wish you were in it? Yes, you would willingly participate in all of the bridesmaid and groomsmen activities just so you could laugh along with the bride and groom and dance with them on their big day. Just so you could pose along with them and appear in their treasured wedding album.
Instantaneously, most of us will beam, “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be!” It is the emotions that express the beauty of the pictures. The smile flashed across everyone’s face showed their truly happy to be there. It could be seen in their eyes. Nothing articulates beauty like a smiling ecstatic eyes can do. Someone told me once that to pull off a wide grin, all you have to do is just imagine that the camera is someone you have a crush on walking right towards you. You will smile with your eyes which will sweep anyone off their feet! That’s what I am gonna but I don’t need to imagine it was my crush but instead the thought and look of the love of my life will do the magic!

Photo shoots will good plausible with the right angles here and there without standing still like forced poses. It is all about angles when it comes to portraying the natural flair. Probably I and my fiance’ should experiment with a digital camera for sweet candid shots to determine the most flattering angles to both of us which will bring out the best of us on our actual day photographs. Before I could judge how did I look on the official photographs, I got to see the pictures captured by relatives which showed me genuinely laughing or smiling because I was euphoric! After all, perhaps there is no need to put in profound practice for picture perfect portrait. A more carefree pose will do better. (I just don’t want to feel like some insane girl rehearsing poses or smiling away in front of the mirror! Errrkkkk!!!)

I know I’ll be exuding happiness, joy, and delight on my wedding day — maybe that works well for my wedding pictures after all. Strike a pose!!! Say cheeseeeeeee :D

I know I’ll be exuding happiness, joy, and delight on my wedding day — maybe that works well for my wedding pictures after all. Strike a pose!!! Say cheeseeeeeee :D

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