People often say ‘A picture is worth a thousand words.’ It’s very much a cliché but it expresses the nature of capturing precious moments in a single click. Pictures are valuable to be cherished of everyone’s life in each moment which can never be erased. For some reason, I never like pictures of myself when it looks fake. I don’t think I’m hideous or anything– I just can’t take a good photograph without at least one of it showing me with forced smile or with forty winks. It’s so puzzling– the face in the photograph does not seem to match the face in the mirror at all. Why does my face look so wide? Is that what my smile really looks like? And are those crow’s feet already? Maybe I’m too hard on myself, but I feel as though most photos of me are not flaunting my real beauty and can be unflattering at times. My mom says it’s just ME that is so finicky to not being able to see that I am actually photogenic! Dad and mom are always proud of their lil girl no matter how she looks.
So naturally, that does not promise well for our series of wedding fête pictures. We have an amazing photographer, Ravi John Smith (my best friend’s uncle) for engagement and actual wedding, and Vrinda for wedding reception whose photographs I just adore for their lucidity and beautiful angle shots. Both photographers could make anyone look beautiful. But I still worry that somehow, my not so photogenic face will ruin all our portraits. I decided to track down some tips on improving one’s appearance in photographs (time to channel my inner Top Model instincts and practice how to strike a pose for the D-day!How can I deny that any truly talented photographer knows the difference. I and Raj don’t want posed photos at our big day which we more likely meant we don’t want the traditional standing in a line with their wedding party staring at the camera photos. Of course not! So what do we want instead? We want the photographer to be brimming over the top with unique and totally dynamic ideas for wedding photos. And that’s exactly what marketable photographers do these days. And it was in those poses that the couple, their wedding party, and their wedding guests showed their true emotions. Emotions that didn’t require any direction at all. Have you ever seen a wedding that looks like so much fun you actually wish you were in it? Yes, you would willingly participate in all of the bridesmaid and groomsmen activities just so you could laugh along with the bride and groom and dance with them on their big day. Just so you could pose along with them and appear in their treasured wedding album.
Instantaneously, most of us will beam, “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be!” It is the emotions that express the beauty of the pictures. The smile flashed across everyone’s face showed their truly happy to be there. It could be seen in their eyes. Nothing articulates beauty like a smiling ecstatic eyes can do. Someone told me once that to pull off a wide grin, all you have to do is just imagine that the camera is someone you have a crush on walking right towards you. You will smile with your eyes which will sweep anyone off their feet! That’s what I am gonna but I don’t need to imagine it was my crush but instead the thought and look of the love of my life will do the magic!

Photo shoots will good plausible with the right angles here and there without standing still like forced poses. It is all about angles when it comes to portraying the natural flair. Probably I and my fiance’ should experiment with a digital camera for sweet candid shots to determine the most flattering angles to both of us which will bring out the best of us on our actual day photographs. Before I could judge how did I look on the official photographs, I got to see the pictures captured by relatives which showed me genuinely laughing or smiling because I was euphoric! After all, perhaps there is no need to put in profound practice for picture perfect portrait. A more carefree pose will do better. (I just don’t want to feel like some insane girl rehearsing poses or smiling away in front of the mirror! Errrkkkk!!!)

I know I’ll be exuding happiness, joy, and delight on my wedding day — maybe that works well for my wedding pictures after all. Strike a pose!!! Say cheeseeeeeee :D

I know I’ll be exuding happiness, joy, and delight on my wedding day — maybe that works well for my wedding pictures after all. Strike a pose!!! Say cheeseeeeeee :D

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