Just the perfect day to snuggle comfortably under my tempting, soft bed which I could not do so. It’s a working day for god’s sake! I loathe at the mere thought of rain in the morning esp on weekdays! Darned it!! But it’s a clear indication of a wet Tuesday awaiting me to explore what the day has ahead of me. One thing in common is the exact gloomy mood gyrating at the back of my mind which harmonizes with the cold day. Honestly, I have no idea why I'm shrouded with clouds of sullen feeling for the past couple of days. Perhaps, last week has been a week where I have been hearing a series of unfortunate events happening to someone that I know dearly or to someone associated to them. It doesn’t matter who they are but the real thing I learnt was, I felt for them even though I barely know them. I began to look at things at different perspective. A surge of exploratory thoughts engulfed me. I was left all by myself with queries to which no one will have answers to it. I started envisaging what life is all about?

Sometimes, we tend to take things for granted. While we have a beautiful life with so many essence to appreciate, we are more than inclined to whine. I could whine about being tired or battling my way through the traffic congestion, or having to get up early, or lack of sleep, or the fact that my muscle cramp. Day in and day out, there are countless number of things that all of us can list them up and complaint endlessly. How often do we count our blessings? Blessings come in different forms and by changing the way you look at it and learn to appreciate every single thing will make our live worthwhile during our uncertain journey in this world. I have also come to realize that the things I may want to whine about are just a part of the journey so I may as well get used to it.
As I sat on my couch this evening with a cup of hot coffee to keep me warm and revitalized after work, a tint of grateful feeling tap my senses and made me cherish my life and my loved ones so much. For the past couple of weeks, sudden deaths, calamities and bizarre news reaches my ear and makes me to sit back and reflect on life on a deeper thought. Life can be on fast lane. But at times you need to hit on the speed brake to see what’s left and right. Work deadlines, obligatory calls, etc should not sum up your way of life. The most important things in life should not be neglected which could be a point of regret one day?
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