No. Though how hard I tried, I can never be one! (I blame it on my pig year of Chinese calendar though). Yet, I love the Mother Nature’s beauty in the morning; Morning Glory!

It’s not that I hate morning necessarily as much as I find myself in need of some gentle way to gracefully fit myself into the day. I do have my fair share of admiring the beauty of mornings especially on days where I can barely sleep any longer (which rarely happens unless I’m overdosed of sleep). The dewdrops trickling down my poinsettia plant, birds chirping happily and the first ray of the day peeping through the clouds, the fresh air and scent of mornings are some of the favorite things that I admire.

As a teenager I remember mornings where I get up with a sulky face (even till today) when my mom comes to wake me up. I would get off to a moody start and she always wondered what my problem was in the mornings. I will tell you it was the fact that mom loves to yell at the top of her lungs that it was time to get up each morning, and then come into the room, flick on the lights and ask me if I heard her. Of course that kind of wake-up call is enough to swing my mood off. If I remind her not to startle me awake, she would get annoyed. I end up getting ‘free lecture’ before I could scramble myself outta bed! Maybe she is a morning person and fits herself quickly into the day with her exuberance which I admired over the years. (esp waking up earlier than me to make my breakfast and lunch in one go). Probably, that is why she expects to see her girls to be up on feet as early as her to start the day with good vibe! Will I be able to put myself in her shoes and take up these chores to my kids in future? Maybe, it’s time for me to start thinking about from now. One thing is definite that I love her being so firm yet subtle till she had to change her way to deal with a tough girl like me. He,he,he
On the other hand, my dad is such a sweetheart simply because he knows how to handle me in the mornings. I must say he has acquired the art of waking me up in the morning since he knows I’m a deep sleeper. He wakes me with a whisper to my ear and tickles my feet for a few seconds. But even better, he would sit by my side and comforts me saying you can have a better sleep once you’re back from work. He really does know how to pamper his princess to the extreme. Sadly enough my morning disposition has gloomy slant. I wake up vulnerably and have to adjust in order to see the good side of life. I’d call myself more of an optimist than a pessimist but I tend to take time to adjust myself slowly to kick start my day in a cheerful way. Waking up involves small things, like focusing my eye to the first light of the day after a whole night in darkness, having a quick moment to slip out of the bits and pieces of my dream and stretching myself from sleeping position. And the most encouraging moment in the morning is the thought of sipping my coffee; well coffee is like a blessing, a special elixir that changes everything! I don’t think these are big things to ask for and yet without that time each day to adjust, I am a more difficult person than usual to deal with.

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