A day that many of us would never forget. An uproar which united all Malaysian irrespective of the age, gender, cultural differences and above all, across the globe.
Most Malaysian’s would recall our ‘Black Saturday’ that happened 3 weeks ago which gave us an opportunity to see what real democracy is all about. The BERSIH was proclaimed as anti-government rally which is unhealthy and damaging the image of Malaysia. How far is this true? For the past couple of weeks prior to BERSIH movement, I was somewhat disconnected from the political news in the media. I remember vaguely how little did I know and concerned about the NGO’s effort to seek for justice in the country and to uphold the rights of each one of us as a citizen. Simply because, I hate to watch the local TV channel which highlights ‘crappy news’ and demonstrate their prejudice by telecasting news that is misleading. Grimy politics, local celebrity divorces, and corporate social responsibility event by local assemblyman are some of the news line-ups in local channel. At the end of the news, I don’t feel that I’m informed with genuine and true happenings in the country. Therefore, I prefer to read news online from other sources which are not bias in any way and informed the readers with right news.
That was why I didn’t have the slightest idea what was BERSIH all about. I thought it was another political propaganda in preparation for our next GE in Malaysia. But just a week before the real event, when all talks were about Bersih, I decided to check it out what was all about. The Bersih 2.0 is actually a non-government organization (NGO) which was illegal, then somewhat legal and illegal again. It is not an organization which would ruin our country’s peace. Instead, every person who supports Bersih is actually a brave Malaysian demanding for the rights of the citizen that elections will be Bersih/Clean. That was when I realize the 8 request made by them is nothing to do with the political agenda. It is purely organized by the NGOs for the rakyat! If you take a look at the 8 demands, one will question, “What’s wrong with it”? The 8 demands are as below:
1. Clean the electoral roll
2. Reform postal ballot
3. Use of indelible ink
4. Minimum 21 days campaign period
5. Free and fair access to media
6. Strengthen public institutions
7. Stop corruption
8. Stop dirty politics
This is not gutter politics. This is definitely not in support of another political party. It is not a form of propaganda to instigate the ‘rakyat’ to go against the government. It is all about clean and fair elections for all. It is to restore the rights of each and every citizen of Malaysia. I don’t see why the government can’t fulfill the demands. The essence of the rally was for a good cause and democracy. The movement wanted to have a peaceful procession to the King to hand over the demands in a rightful manner but the whole event has been transformed into a chaotic one. When I looked at each and every one of Malaysians that actually took their time off and walk down the streets despite many warnings and short of access into the city, I was touched and very sanguine at the same time. People from all walks of life; students, professionals, disabled citizens, old and young, and above all our people voice; assemblyman and not to forget our pride of country; Datuk Ambiga, made their way through to the streets hoping to bring a encouraging change in our lives. She is a woman of courage whom each one of us as a woman should be proud of her and admire her capability to do something for the lawful rights of citizens of Malaysia.
I was in mixed emotions when I saw inconceivable series of events unfolded on Saturday. It did convey a distinct message to the ruling party that ‘each and every citizen of Malaysia’ looks forward for a clean and fair election. I felt I missed out the fight for justice spirit shown by my fellow Malaysians through Bersih 2.0 Rally. Finally I’m proud of being a Malaysian simply because for once we are standing united for a good cause and for the rights of a citizen in what I would describe a beautiful multi-racial country. For this, I’m dying to iterate the maxim “Malaysia Boleh” for once!
I hadn’t been actually following closely on what happened but I am really touched by how patriotic Malaysians are albeit having known many racism cases, the Bersih rally clearly exhibits how Malaysians can become ONE. And in my opinion, that is how ONE MALAYSIA truly is. I saw thousands of pictures and videos which was posted on the Malaysian Bersih 2.0 facebook page and was deeply touched. And all I can do is hope for a better change. I felt most touched by those whom went there to fight for all of us by getting injured for some, simple truth.
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