Then you’re not the only one. Although festive season is a time to look forward for a celebration with loved ones, but more so, it’s a time for goodwill, nostalgia and hope. Once again, our fellow Muslim is celebrating Edul Fitri on 30th and 31st of August, 2011 which the latter coincides with our National Day Celebration. Definitely, everyone has been on festive mood since last week by getting themselves busy on the eleventh hour of preparation.
Monday seems cold and less energetic since everyone has put on their fiesta cap and can’t wait for the Eidul Fitr holidays (just like me to get my beauty sleep, he,he). To make things worse, it was raining when I hit the KL-Seremban Highway. At the back of my mind, all I could do was imagine, “How I wish I was on my bed clutching onto my pillow”? *Snap back to reality* I have a day; just barely 8 hours before I could cruise back home for 3 days of break! That’s tempting and made me full of zest to complete my day as I have line up my work agenda.
Once I reach at Gate 7 of Silicon Avenue, I was frustrated to see the gates closed with a board stating its closure but not an indication to notify us (those working people based in MTDC. What an inconsiderate management of the university!!) with regards to other route to MTDC building! Closure announcement should be made a week prior to all concerned. The management should consider about other people’s sensitivities. Malaysia is a multiracial country and not all the citizens go for a week holiday to celebrate Eidul Fitr (unless we are given holidays!). Luckily I found someone else who was right in front of me with the same dilemma and apparently knows the alternative route (a blind guess perhaps which sounds so silly but I had to take the chances since I had no choice,). It was a long winded route through the university student hostel, Kolej 14 but somehow I ended up on Silicon Avenue at the juncture to my office! I was glad since I don’t need to drive back another 37km + unnecessary toll in case I had no other options to get to my office! What a day to start with? But to my relief, I was not the only one unaware of the alternate route but most of my colleagues too. Some was trailing behind someone else to get to office and much to my amusement, some had to be rescued from getting lost somewhere far away (one of my colleagues: p). A funny day to start with.
I end up in front of my laptop to complete my genetic analysis while music kept me company in this rather offbeat mood. It’s already half past 1 and halfway through the day. Just another 4 hrs to go. So come on, let it out and tune in for the work mood! Happy Celebrating Eidul Fitr and National Day, peeps! Cheerios…
Pretty Woman embraces the fond memories of past while living in the moment and looking towards the future with passion, poise, and dreams.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Just a busy Sunday
The first thought that strikes us the moment we hear Sunday will be none other than REST! Sundays are something that I look for to have a blissful feel with my loved ones at home. My Sunday usually starts late (its very unlikely for me to rise early unless I am forced to or have some important agenda line up).
When Sunday was created, the regular activities that line up for the day will be:
i) Longer sleep hours (My favourite activity)
ii) Delicious and rich breakfast
iii) I would end up being a couch potato (cat naps, TV, eating, and the cycle starts all over again :))
iv) Give a fresh shower for my doggie
v) Wash the car and to some extent of cleaning spree
vi) Last but not the least, surf the net
Of course there are some misc activities done but a typical Sunday will come close to what I described above. But today was definitely one of the busy Sundays I’ve ever had. I was up on my feet as early as 9am and hit for a good breakfast. Since the Sun was peeking out of the clouds, it was a sign of fairly hot day for my doggie to have his shower. He was excited too coz the moment I took his shower gel, he came nearer and sat eagerly. He was given a thorough scrub and by the end of it, he was spick and span.. Ha ha ha…

The rest of the Sunday was spent out of home. We was in Little India, Brickfields for window shopping, facial treatment and lunch+ teatime. We do this often on weekends to catch up quality time with family as well as fulfill our chores. By the time we headed back home, it was already half past 6 in the evening. Fuhhh…what a tiring day but its worthwhile. I was not too bothered about Monday since we have 3 days of Raya holidays starting on Tuesday. *Rubbing my hands in glee*

Death Note Comes So Sudden
Saturday, 20th August, 2011. It was a cold Saturday morning where I plan to sleep a lil longer than usual. Out of the bolt, I heard my phone beeping. “Beep...Beep”….Tone of my SMS ring through my ear faintly. I reach out to my mobile by my bedside only to be awakened with alarming news. I got a text, from a good friend of mine. The message was short but shocking. “Sathyan passed away this morning”. All I knew was the next thing I was up on my bed with wide glances across my window. I felt heavy at heart and my emotions raced down to hit the low key. I rubbed my eyes quickly, still sitting on my bed to digest the sad news. It came all of sudden. Even the day strike a chord with the demise of my friend’s brother. It was cold and gloomy. He'd died at 8.15am in the bed of hospital. I was stunned. All kinds of questions were racing through my mind. A burst of emotions became evident in the next few hours. I had to break the news to mom. My friend and I had been friends since we first met in varsity somewhere in year 2003. We were not only roommates but classmate n good friends ever since, till the point where we both were recognized as twin sisters’ to the lecturers and classmates. Our friendship did not end just then and there but I was introduced to her family as well. On weekends where I don’t get to go back KL, she will not allow me to be alone in the hostel and by all means will drag me to her brother’s house in Penang. That was when I got to know all her 3 brothers (she is the pampered younger sister).

When I walked down the stairs to the hall, I broke the news to mom. And I must say her reactions was just as the same as mine. She slumped down the couch and uttered, “Oh god must bless his soul after what he went through for more than a year”. Life is so short right, that’s what we both felt. Mom and I sat for awhile in front of TV with remorse feeling and we immediately felt the pain of their family members. It is not easy to lose a loved one who is so young and has a lot to go in his life. Imagine the parents, siblings and especially his wife to face with the harsh reality of a permanent void in their life after his demise. There is no words that can console them at this moment but only time will tell and heal their sorrow.
Sathyan was the third brother of my friend. He was young and ambitious. And he was a talented photographer whom established his own photography skills. Despite not knowing very well in person, he was a nice soul whom I always thought as brother. He once came to our house (where I and my friend rented during our 2nd year of uni) to offer his kind help to configure the broadband access for our laptops.
My heartfelt condolence goes all out to my friend and her family during these hard times. One thing is sure that, He will make other people smile in his new place. That's why he was brought back there simply because God loved him more. May his soul rest in peace. May God grant his wife and family the strength to move on. Only time heals the pain and the void created.
Friday, August 26, 2011
I’m not a morning person
No. Though how hard I tried, I can never be one! (I blame it on my pig year of Chinese calendar though). Yet, I love the Mother Nature’s beauty in the morning; Morning Glory!

It’s not that I hate morning necessarily as much as I find myself in need of some gentle way to gracefully fit myself into the day. I do have my fair share of admiring the beauty of mornings especially on days where I can barely sleep any longer (which rarely happens unless I’m overdosed of sleep). The dewdrops trickling down my poinsettia plant, birds chirping happily and the first ray of the day peeping through the clouds, the fresh air and scent of mornings are some of the favorite things that I admire.

As a teenager I remember mornings where I get up with a sulky face (even till today) when my mom comes to wake me up. I would get off to a moody start and she always wondered what my problem was in the mornings. I will tell you it was the fact that mom loves to yell at the top of her lungs that it was time to get up each morning, and then come into the room, flick on the lights and ask me if I heard her. Of course that kind of wake-up call is enough to swing my mood off. If I remind her not to startle me awake, she would get annoyed. I end up getting ‘free lecture’ before I could scramble myself outta bed! Maybe she is a morning person and fits herself quickly into the day with her exuberance which I admired over the years. (esp waking up earlier than me to make my breakfast and lunch in one go). Probably, that is why she expects to see her girls to be up on feet as early as her to start the day with good vibe! Will I be able to put myself in her shoes and take up these chores to my kids in future? Maybe, it’s time for me to start thinking about from now. One thing is definite that I love her being so firm yet subtle till she had to change her way to deal with a tough girl like me. He,he,he
On the other hand, my dad is such a sweetheart simply because he knows how to handle me in the mornings. I must say he has acquired the art of waking me up in the morning since he knows I’m a deep sleeper. He wakes me with a whisper to my ear and tickles my feet for a few seconds. But even better, he would sit by my side and comforts me saying you can have a better sleep once you’re back from work. He really does know how to pamper his princess to the extreme. Sadly enough my morning disposition has gloomy slant. I wake up vulnerably and have to adjust in order to see the good side of life. I’d call myself more of an optimist than a pessimist but I tend to take time to adjust myself slowly to kick start my day in a cheerful way. Waking up involves small things, like focusing my eye to the first light of the day after a whole night in darkness, having a quick moment to slip out of the bits and pieces of my dream and stretching myself from sleeping position. And the most encouraging moment in the morning is the thought of sipping my coffee; well coffee is like a blessing, a special elixir that changes everything! I don’t think these are big things to ask for and yet without that time each day to adjust, I am a more difficult person than usual to deal with.


Just the perfect day to snuggle comfortably under my tempting, soft bed which I could not do so. It’s a working day for god’s sake! I loathe at the mere thought of rain in the morning esp on weekdays! Darned it!! But it’s a clear indication of a wet Tuesday awaiting me to explore what the day has ahead of me. One thing in common is the exact gloomy mood gyrating at the back of my mind which harmonizes with the cold day. Honestly, I have no idea why I'm shrouded with clouds of sullen feeling for the past couple of days. Perhaps, last week has been a week where I have been hearing a series of unfortunate events happening to someone that I know dearly or to someone associated to them. It doesn’t matter who they are but the real thing I learnt was, I felt for them even though I barely know them. I began to look at things at different perspective. A surge of exploratory thoughts engulfed me. I was left all by myself with queries to which no one will have answers to it. I started envisaging what life is all about?

Sometimes, we tend to take things for granted. While we have a beautiful life with so many essence to appreciate, we are more than inclined to whine. I could whine about being tired or battling my way through the traffic congestion, or having to get up early, or lack of sleep, or the fact that my muscle cramp. Day in and day out, there are countless number of things that all of us can list them up and complaint endlessly. How often do we count our blessings? Blessings come in different forms and by changing the way you look at it and learn to appreciate every single thing will make our live worthwhile during our uncertain journey in this world. I have also come to realize that the things I may want to whine about are just a part of the journey so I may as well get used to it.
As I sat on my couch this evening with a cup of hot coffee to keep me warm and revitalized after work, a tint of grateful feeling tap my senses and made me cherish my life and my loved ones so much. For the past couple of weeks, sudden deaths, calamities and bizarre news reaches my ear and makes me to sit back and reflect on life on a deeper thought. Life can be on fast lane. But at times you need to hit on the speed brake to see what’s left and right. Work deadlines, obligatory calls, etc should not sum up your way of life. The most important things in life should not be neglected which could be a point of regret one day?
Monday, August 1, 2011
Black Saturday Episode (09.07.2011)

A day that many of us would never forget. An uproar which united all Malaysian irrespective of the age, gender, cultural differences and above all, across the globe.
Most Malaysian’s would recall our ‘Black Saturday’ that happened 3 weeks ago which gave us an opportunity to see what real democracy is all about. The BERSIH was proclaimed as anti-government rally which is unhealthy and damaging the image of Malaysia. How far is this true? For the past couple of weeks prior to BERSIH movement, I was somewhat disconnected from the political news in the media. I remember vaguely how little did I know and concerned about the NGO’s effort to seek for justice in the country and to uphold the rights of each one of us as a citizen. Simply because, I hate to watch the local TV channel which highlights ‘crappy news’ and demonstrate their prejudice by telecasting news that is misleading. Grimy politics, local celebrity divorces, and corporate social responsibility event by local assemblyman are some of the news line-ups in local channel. At the end of the news, I don’t feel that I’m informed with genuine and true happenings in the country. Therefore, I prefer to read news online from other sources which are not bias in any way and informed the readers with right news.
That was why I didn’t have the slightest idea what was BERSIH all about. I thought it was another political propaganda in preparation for our next GE in Malaysia. But just a week before the real event, when all talks were about Bersih, I decided to check it out what was all about. The Bersih 2.0 is actually a non-government organization (NGO) which was illegal, then somewhat legal and illegal again. It is not an organization which would ruin our country’s peace. Instead, every person who supports Bersih is actually a brave Malaysian demanding for the rights of the citizen that elections will be Bersih/Clean. That was when I realize the 8 request made by them is nothing to do with the political agenda. It is purely organized by the NGOs for the rakyat! If you take a look at the 8 demands, one will question, “What’s wrong with it”? The 8 demands are as below:
1. Clean the electoral roll
2. Reform postal ballot
3. Use of indelible ink
4. Minimum 21 days campaign period
5. Free and fair access to media
6. Strengthen public institutions
7. Stop corruption
8. Stop dirty politics
This is not gutter politics. This is definitely not in support of another political party. It is not a form of propaganda to instigate the ‘rakyat’ to go against the government. It is all about clean and fair elections for all. It is to restore the rights of each and every citizen of Malaysia. I don’t see why the government can’t fulfill the demands. The essence of the rally was for a good cause and democracy. The movement wanted to have a peaceful procession to the King to hand over the demands in a rightful manner but the whole event has been transformed into a chaotic one. When I looked at each and every one of Malaysians that actually took their time off and walk down the streets despite many warnings and short of access into the city, I was touched and very sanguine at the same time. People from all walks of life; students, professionals, disabled citizens, old and young, and above all our people voice; assemblyman and not to forget our pride of country; Datuk Ambiga, made their way through to the streets hoping to bring a encouraging change in our lives. She is a woman of courage whom each one of us as a woman should be proud of her and admire her capability to do something for the lawful rights of citizens of Malaysia.
I was in mixed emotions when I saw inconceivable series of events unfolded on Saturday. It did convey a distinct message to the ruling party that ‘each and every citizen of Malaysia’ looks forward for a clean and fair election. I felt I missed out the fight for justice spirit shown by my fellow Malaysians through Bersih 2.0 Rally. Finally I’m proud of being a Malaysian simply because for once we are standing united for a good cause and for the rights of a citizen in what I would describe a beautiful multi-racial country. For this, I’m dying to iterate the maxim “Malaysia Boleh” for once!
I hadn’t been actually following closely on what happened but I am really touched by how patriotic Malaysians are albeit having known many racism cases, the Bersih rally clearly exhibits how Malaysians can become ONE. And in my opinion, that is how ONE MALAYSIA truly is. I saw thousands of pictures and videos which was posted on the Malaysian Bersih 2.0 facebook page and was deeply touched. And all I can do is hope for a better change. I felt most touched by those whom went there to fight for all of us by getting injured for some, simple truth.
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