Sunday, April 18, 2010

What’s in a Brand?

Shopping is something i love to do the most. Whoever said, shopping is a waste of time didn’t know where and how to shop!Now, what i am going to emphasize here is all about brands, brands and nothing but brands! Coz we all want to be labelled with the best in some way or another. We cant live in denial when comes to the statement i quoted above. That's the truth.

Is it wise to splurge our savings on pricey items of a branded label? Why not invest our money on something that is more beneficial. On my personal upfront,I believe we can buy a reasonably priced T-shirt at any non-branded shop and still enjoy the pleasure of being fashionable, attractive and comfortable in it. Why not? Ahaha..yes you can.

Do we really want to burn a hole in our pockets each time we step out of the house to buy something? Take Evita Peroni, a hair accessories brand, for example. Loads of similar hair clips can be bought at other outlets for a price that may be 10 times cheaper.

Being brand-conscious is not bad afterall simply because at times branded items have better quality, last long and worth the money.For instance, it may be good to invest your money in a fine watch of Polo Club or Tag Heuer for the simple reason that it is comfy and lasts longer and at the same time it gives a stylish look when worn. But we need to be a smart shopper too.Statistics have shown that many young women spend so much of their money on branded items that eventually make them broke. Its a status inducer for many girls.

On the other hand, there is no need to spend a fortune on something that you can get at a much cheaper price. At the end of the day, it always pays to be a smart shopper. As long as we bring out the best in whateva we are in!

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