Sunday, February 21, 2010

Maniacal Drivers of Malaysians

The after work rush-hour really have left a lasting impact on my opinions towards Malaysian drivers. For me, the traffic jam is one issue, but what's even worse is the inconsiderate drivers. Typical Malaysian drivers attitude: motorists cutting Qs, overtaking at double lines, using road shoulders, not using their signal while changing lanes, unnecessary changing lanes while in traffic jams and so on. Every minute on Malaysian roads, there would be traffic rule breakers. Anyone who drives in KL would have no trouble noticing at least some motorists breaking the traffic rules. Cutting Qs are common and it has become a habit to many motorists. Its as if these people cherish their time is so much more precious than others that they can commit such traffic injustice at the expense of the others.

The most obnoxious circumstances that we can commonly come across in Malaysian traffic diaries will be at a 'roundabout'. If you have a chance to drive round a roundabout during rush hour, you would have noticed the dare-devilness inside Malaysian Drivers. Everyone would try to ramp through. There is no such thing as ’the right side car has the right of way to pass first’ rule anymore. These traffic daredevils dont mind putting everyone's car and life at stake just for few minutes of patience. In the end, everyone is late because of their behaviours in negotiating roundabouts. So what if their actions result in a gridlock when all sides cannot move and thus, everyone loses time? So what it has become a habit that is the cause of the jams that they experience on their way home from work? Whats even abysmal is that these maniacal drivers is incompassionate to give way to ambulans in emergencies? Does this reflect a true Malaysian nature? Sadly this is happening.

The root cause of traffic congestion in big hustling bustling cities will be: Humans themselves!! Little bit of tolerance will make everyone's life easier and ease the road flow as well. Is this the culture or habit of Malaysian drivers? Its very indistinct to me. The habits has been set in, then how do we go about changing them? It is easier to change from a strictly law abiding nation to one of lawlessness, but to change back would be a prodigious task. I think the RTD need to implement radical measures like in our famous neighboring country. Slapping traffic offenders with a meager summonses,e.g RM300 is not sufficient.They need to be taught by the harsh ways to leave a fear and respect for rules made.

I did come across myriads rule-breaking drivers almost everyday. I thought I had seen everything in KL but other cities like Penang also poses such dilemmas. How not to get sick of all these, endure the endless and worsening traffic jams and having to tolerate all sorts of nonsense in road driving. Speed does not only kill but Stupidity does!

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