Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Gym in my office

After months of stillness, finally we were told that we are having a gym of our own. It was open for free last month. It was great to know the fact that at last the management did understand that we need to have work-balance lifestyles. Our office senior executive called us all to attend a brief introduction to the fitness equipments available, on how-to-use the equipments and also to get in place our thumbprints access to the gym. For the past week or so I've been packing my gym stuff and heading off the gym with tons of motivation. Once I and my colleagues get there, we head on to pick the fitness regime that we prefer and get on going.
Of course you don't expect to get the ambiance and full range of fitness equipments but it is still a fully equipped gym with fitness machines like treadmill, bicycle, cross-trainer, stomach-crunch and many more. It was an effort that is worth mentioning since the management of our company agreed to fulfill our request for the benefit of all our staffs in having a work life balance.

It is undeniable that every day, millions of employees have a dangerous lifestyle that can risk their health. Most of us sit at least 8 hours a day in our cubicle and stare into our laptops for hours. Although I am a research scientist that juggles between my time in the lab cooking up some experiments and also churning out huge magnititudes of data in my laptop. Lately I end up doing the real science part where I need to sit and analyze data, devise a study pipeline, churning out documentations and working out hypothesis. Therefore, sitting for long periods in my cube is taking hard on my body. From the health perspective, I feel this slows my metabolic processes, increasing in the risk of putting on weight, and other unhealthy risk of life.
 I actually consider myself pretty lucky when it comes to fitness regime. I had always wanted so much to enroll myself in a fitness club but found it to be extremely pricey. Besides, given that my long commute to and fro and also not to mention my crazy work hours makes it difficult for me to go for fitness gym and do exercise. I am grateful that now there is a corporate gym in my office building that I work (although it is not huge, exquisite but it has an ample amount of fitness equipments for starters like me).
I am planning to work out more often than usual gradually as I pick up the pace. I am taking it nice and slow as not to strain or shock my muscles and body. And to tell the truth I am beginning to enjoy it. My husband has been my motivation since he has become a gym junkie recently after our wedding. He has promised to teach me swimming as he told me it is one activity that can cut down our calories very quickly.  So I am looking up for it.
I am looking forward for my next gym workout!

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