Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Our First Wedding Anniversary!

A year ago today, I married my love of my life, Raj.

Time flies when you are having fun – and when you are with the one you love. Husband and I will be celebrating a special milestone on 29th January, our wedding anniversary. It has been an exciting 1st year and of course from today onwards, we will no longer get the attention of a newlywed.

I can't believe it's already been a year - sometimes it seems like our wedding was just yesterday! I feel like our life has been such an incredible whirlwind so far, but that's how it's been ever since we met so I'm used to it by now ;) Raj was one of the most refreshing and wonderful things that could ever have happened to me and after about 4 years of getting to know each other, we walked down the aisle to start a new life together.

Although we spent the entire first year of marriage living hundred miles apart from one another but our hearts were always so near. Yes we encountered little challenges as we didn’t get to meet every single day yet our relationship grew stronger day by day through phone conversations. In fact, our long distance marriage raised the eyebrow of many people including family and friends. Some even made ridicule out of it. Yet I can only feel bad for them simply because the bond, mutual understanding, affection, faith and devotion that we share can out beat any other couple living together. Yes, our relationship is something precious that we cherish each and every moment despite the distance till today. The distance was never a curse but a boon for us to appreciate our bond.

I am so happy that he is my husband and that we're living our lives just the way we want, not driven by anybody else. He will always be a huge inspiration to me. I'm looking forward to spending the rest of my life with him. To the man I have chosen to love and be with me for a lifetime, Happy Anniversary! I want you to know that words are not enough to say that I love you.

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