Friday, November 30, 2012

One Year Engagement Anniversary

So on November 27, 2012 the engagement was announced in Ipoh, city of hills while everyone gathered to celebrate the pre-nuptial union between a handsome lad to his lady love. So it was official! Raj and Nisha were engaged after all those years courting clandestinely– hurray.

Let’s take a trip down memory lane to reminiscences the occasion on November 27, 2012.

It all went on very quickly that Sunday night with Raj declaring to the close-knits of family and friends that I will be now the love of his life (officially). It was a beautiful moment engraved in our hearts forever. The moment, Raj adorned the engagement ring into my finger, I felt a sense of euphoria and giddy. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same. 

Reflecting upon the events of that day a year ago, I’m surprised at just how much of it I can still recall. I could remember that day so well and will always cherish it and honor it in my heart. Since that day, we go hand in hand through our lives sharing everything together. Looking back at those moments, I wouldn’t change anything about my life and Raj will always be the best of all the gifts in my life, undeniably.

Today is our one-year engagement anniversary. It was pretty surreal to know, it has been a year since we have lived as married couple. Although we are tied up in a long distance marriage, yet Raj and I have formed a beautiful life together that I truly cherish every little moment. The journey of our marriage never ceases but excites me more for an awesome life with my hubby.

The engagement anniversary will always feel special to me somehow. Happy engagement anniversary my honey bunny!

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