My mom went back to Ipoh just a day ago...
In this void, I am trying to cope all the chores by my self.. it’s like a rehearsal to become a perfect homemaker by taking over mom's duty during her absence.Before this when I was staying alone during varsity days, I had no problem handling the chores alone but now with a profession that drains me out totally..I definitely hit the highest fatigue level before I reach home (And not to forget the traffic snarl I have to wade through daily plus the unwarranted stress due to inconsiderate drivers).
Mornings, I am not priveleged to get a wake-up call that is comforting (Mom wakes me up with a just a call away unlike the alarming buzz from my mobile). I have to make my own coffee. But thank god, dad still never fails to prepare slice of bread with butter+cheese spread before he leaves for work.I am always his little girl no matter how old I am. Before I step out of home, I need to make sure all the doors and windowpane is closed and switch off all the electrical appliances. Last but not least, I have my doggie to say goodbye. Usually mom will send me off at the patio with her daily word of advise, "Drive safely and do not exceed the speed limit"! For which I would curtly reply, "Ok mommy!" Her sharp gaze and faint smile is good enough to send me signal that she knows I hate being mollycoddled! He,he, he

My chores does not end there: Work from 8.30am-5.30pm. Traffic jam. Tiredness. Annoyance. Once I reach home, I got to prepare a light dinner like sandwic and re-heat the leftovers. Cleaning. Making dishes. Washing. Ironing.etc.etc.etc. By the time I hit the bed, I would be more drained out. When I lay across the bed and stare into the ceiling above me with a sense of pleasure that I got some rest finally,I could only imagine how powerful and energetic can mommy be? She can be a homemaker but who says it is an easy job.No, it is never an easy task!
I manage to pull this off properly which is a good practice for me when I become a wife and mother. I really appreciate the beauty of mommy just a day without her being closer to us. I feel bad when she gets up as early as 5am in the morning just to cook for me as my lunch-pack for work! Mommy, you're always the queen of my heart! I love you and can't wait to see you waiting for me at doorstep today! Time to bully you starts again. He, he, he...
Signing off, her lil bully daughter
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