Just yesterday I and mom was talking about how time flies (* Grinz* we both were looking at the calendar). It was as if, yesterday we walked into year 2011 and now we are in the 9th month of the calendar. I was looking forward to September since last month. Last month was full of surprises and frantic work schedule due to unforeseen circumstances that has been rocking my project team since July. More or less, I and my other team mates has come to accept the hasty departure of our team leader to his unit in Banting (his boss pulled him back there for some internal issues that created a storm recently). So, both of us being the young ladies and full of madness (sounds like some crazy scientist, indeed, he... he ...he...), we took the bulls by horn and steered the project without the actual leader by working our way through the every nooks and corners of our project. I can tell you, it was never easy as said by our consultant from NUS which painted a picture of ‘FOCUS’ to encourage us to move on in times of uncertainties. He told us that even when the building collapses, “you should be sitting upright in your lab bench while still pippeting the PCR cocktails without being distracted!” We burst into laughter and thought it sounded ridiculous (simply because a normal human being will definitely gets disturbed even by the slightest noise we hear). But it was just a metaphor. By the end of our discussions with regards to our project directions and deliverables, we were geared up in full force to do what has to be done and within our means. The excitement twinkled in our eyes even though, we know the journey towards it gonna be full of thorns. But at the looking through the bird’s view to the future, we are going to be grateful for the outcome.
What is even more exciting is the performance windfall which is due to be in this month!! I can’t wait for it since the last Friday’s Town hall meeting with the GCE speculates good bonuses coming in since 2008! Now, that sounds awesome. What else can be more comforting when you get rewarded in attractive monetary return? Most of us have grown up with the Pavlovian response in mind that says we'll do a good job to gain a financial reward. Its a motivation to drive us to work harder for my new FY 2011/12. Its a good start for a new beginning. This calls for celebration with my loved ones! Maybe a treat getaway or fine dining in a cafĂ© bar! Keeping my fingers crossed!

September ring a bell for me to move forward with my ‘Project WBliss’. You might be wondering what’s the WBliss is all about? It is definitely my walk towards happiness and a moment of truth. I have just barely two months to execute my action plans. I am heading the team with my family as the committee members to help me manage the big event of my life. The core of the project is coming up with a checklist and what-to-do list for each of us. That has been done. Pheww! But the execution of each action is not an easy task. My best friend’s words keep knocking on my head all whenever I’m stuck with the plans. “ It is exciting but can be tiring and stressing at times when it comes to making choices/decisions” “Nothing can be perfect but it can come close to it”. So sit back and enjoy the ride while you can! To be frank, I have started to feel the excitement building up and yet jittery thinking how am I going to walk through the series of events. I keep my poise for the moment and will graze through it one step at a time!
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