Monday, June 30, 2008


Nisha is simple yet complicated. Dats how i characterize myself more often than not...Its true nevertheless. I can be as simple as possible but in times of uncertainties, i can be so complicated and adamant..The transformation of a calm, sweet personality to more hostile person....Nah, it cant get that bad! I pretty much can control how my emotions fluctuates nowdays compared to earlier days...My emotions can rise and fall so irregularly..My temper could appear and vanish as fast as possible...

Maybe its coz im a woman of substance..Nisha lives as it is and she does not get carried away...She is happy being herself rather than attempting to be like someone else. She is made up to be JUST HERSELF....pretty much the girl nxt door and not a fake image....Love thyself'......

Friday, June 27, 2008

Women; a subject of discrimination?

More than quite often, i contemplate on the reasons why are women subjected to myriad forms of can be in learning institution, workplace, home, and also public....wherever she goes, she is constantly enduring some sort of perjudice which is ongoing. At the dawn of a new millenium, i always thought people's perception, lifestyle, beliefs and their outlook will change optimistically...But sadly its of no avail..Why cant women lead her life in peace and in equality? Some countries do treat women with equal rights and respect but in other places, its apparently missing.

I used to loathe at the way men ogle at women in public especially in buses, trains and public places...Are we so peculiar to them or are we perceived as an object of lust? So long before we can actually cleanse their perverted mind....I never realised how bad this can be until i started taking public transport and daily i used to watch hw they feast their eyes on women inch by inch!!???!?!?! Hahahaha....those fellas are just a bunch of pathetic losers...But at times i feel its just the work of nature, whereby God created us as man and women....The gist of it, is dat both gender should get attracted to each other which is very normal... but not to extremes which snatch away the rights of women.......i hope guys becomes more sensible in near future....

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sleep, my sweetest doings....

A day without sufficient sleep turns me into a zombie i wud say...with barely 2 hours of sleep, i struggled to crawl out of bed which is the hardest thing to do...i dragged my feet to start my day. The whole day although i was full of zest to move around the office and get things done, yet i can feel the indications of lack of sleep....I was having puffy eyes...grumpy...sensitive...and worse of all, i felt as if im floating in the air...hahahaha...i was lopsided...But coffee was my saviour to skid through the day till i got home safely......*grinz*
All i could think of was to get home ASAP and get some decent sleep....Food was definitely out of my dictionary for the day....Here i come my warm bed.......sleeeeeeepzzzzz....z.zzzzzzz.......

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Oh jeez....its freezing cold in the office..besides the air-cond, rain has made the atmosphere even chilly...My passion for rain is apparently very peculiar to some BUT i enjoy the cool breeze, the raindrops on the window pane, the water droplets making endearing designs on surfaces, mini pools formed, leaflets looking fresh n vibrant, dark clouds hovering over us and not to miss my all-time favourite to have a coffee or hot choc while enjoying the icy weather.....Getting soaked in rain was my childhood fun but not anymore as pollution seems to ruin the rainwater quality to extreme level..the way i describe rain has actually made someone imagine it with so much of bliss and serenity..and it captured his heart so much to knw that i actually love the beauty of nature.....i have alwiz had a fascination towards enthralling panorama which is undeniably God's finest art....

Hmmmmm......well...i have never missed hot coffee during rain....the aroma of coffee keeps me kicking all day long...and keeps me warm, cosy.....

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Is Nisha naive?

At the crack of dawn, the ever innocent looking Nisha is all smiles looking into the day ahead of her..Wonder how her day is gonna be? WHo will be her target today? *wicked grinz* Everything seems to be in good ambiance.....Nisha spirit is oozing with vibrance and serenity...all the trivial issues has been wiped out of her 'CPU'....i really have no idea where if vanished...and guess wat? Her imp personality has been let out of the bag by a poor victim who slipped into my trap....muahahaha....Victim of the day whom i dearly call superhero, got cornered by me in all angles till he cudnt afford to say anything more ....hehehe...i was giggling away to hear his inability to defend himself and not wanting to get bang again...poor guy...its not a pleasure for me to do so...but just the naughty side of me which i cant wait to let go....i wonder how he must be cursing me behind his very sure he will nt curse me coz we click together as we both have the same intensity of as for today, im the is def not his day...hahaha...maybe he will regain and jump bck at me tomoro.....Im glad i have a friend whom i can fight to, cry to, laugh to and fall bck when i need it the most...He is alwiz the savior or i might say "the knight in shining armor"......So definitely my savior must be thinking Nisha is not naive despite her innocent looks...looks can be deceiving and dats wat i have been telling him....and he never listens...let him pay for it! hahahaha.......cheeers......

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Wake-Up Call

Nisha got a warm wake up call from her lovable dad and cute SMS from her superhero friend...Indeed a very bright start for the day ahead of me...Waking up woes definitely hurls me every morning..imagine getting up at 5.30am and leaving the hse for work at 6.10am? Its still dark and cold breeze embraces me...Oh gawd...How i wish i was cuddled up cosily on bed and can sleep till im tired of it? *winkz* ......"Sleeping beauty" hails my dad as alwiz he does to his favourite daughter...*grinz* and dats me by the way...i really feel this wake-up call might sound insignificant to some people..but to me, it does make my day and decides my mood and boost my spirit for the rest of the its a good way to kickstart the day... just as the aroma of a rich coffee......Yay! Talking about a real coffee freak...Time out, its time for coffee for Nisha.....signing off........:)